Whakaora Kāinga Transitional Housing
Whakaora Kāinga Transitional Housing Accommodation
Whakaora Kāinga is communal living transitional housing designed to provide a step towards stable housing for the homeless and people living in emergency accommodation. Rather than simply providing shelter we support our residents to remove the barriers that have prevented them from being housed or led to them losing housing in the past. With 14 bedrooms on 3 floors, the residents on each floor are supported by their Kaiārahi (navigator) to identify barriers to housing such as debt, substance use, interpersonal skills, and health issues among others.
An individualised plan is formed for each resident to set goals to begin addressing these issues. A sense of whānau and belonging lies at the heart of the Whakaora Kāinga Kaupapa and residents attend a series of daily groups, workshops, recreational activities, and shared cooking/meals where they support each other to rediscover life skills and a sense of connection with others. Kaimahi (support staff), present in the house 24 hours a day, support the residents with the house structure, program timetable and to offer a sense of comfort and security when needed.
Whakaora Kāinga offers accommodation for 3 months followed by another 3 months of Kaiārahi support once our residents have been housed in the community. Residents who have left are encouraged to continue attending the group program for a period of time to maintain the connections they have formed and continue the Mahi they have started on this new chapter in their lives.
Residents must be 18 years or older, have some ability to live in a communal environment and be willing to engage in groups, workshops, activity outings and with their Kaiārahi. Cleaning and cooking are shared among the residents on each floor with support when needed by the Kaimahi.
Take a virtual tour of Whakaora Kāinga
We are currently accepting referrals from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). Contact your case worker for further information.